Sported : হেলাফেলা করা; খেলাধুলা করা; ক্রীড়া করা; কৌতুক করা; আনন্দোত্সব করা;
Related Words
savored  savoured  scuppered  sea port  sea-port  seaport  seaports  separate  separated  separates  shipboard  so varied  spared  sparred  speared  spired  spirit  spirited  spiritedly  spiritedness  spirt  spirts  spor ty  sporadic  sport  sported  sportier  sporting  sportive  sports  sportsman  sporty  sprat  sprats  sprayed  spread  spreading  spreadout  spreads  sprite  spritely  sprites  sprout  sprouted  spurred  spurt  spurted  spurts  subordinated  subverted  superheated  support  supportable  supported  supporter  supporters  supportless  supports  suppurate  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Add to (বৃদ্ধি করা, যোগ করা): The doll-dance in the exhibition added to our pleasure.
Argue with, about(কথা কাটাকাটি করা): They always argue with me about tiny matter.
Composed of(তৈরী): This medicine is composed of vitamins and minerals.
Convinced of (আশ্বস্ত): You are convinced of his product.
Cope with (এঁটে ওঠা; তাল মিলিয়ে চলা): They cannot cope with so much work.
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At ease (in peace or pleasure – শান্তিতে বা আরামে) A man who has enemies can not live at ease.
At a standstill (নিশ্চল, অচলাবস্থায়-adj.) The discussion is now at a standstill.
Lion’s share (বড় মাপের অংশ): He took the lion’s share of the profit.
Part and parcel (অবিচ্ছেদ্য অংশ): Education is part and parcel to build a civilized nation.
Swan-song (অন্তিম গীত, শেষ কর্ম): This writing is the swan song of Kazi Nazrul islam.