Sprite : পরী, বামণ ইত্যাদি;
Related Words
separate  separated  separately  separates  spared  sparred  spartan  spired  spirit  spirit level  spirited  spiritedly  spiritedness  spiritless  spiritlevel  spirits  spiritual  spiritualize  spiritualized  spirituous  spirt  spirts  spor ty  sport  sported  sportier  sportive  sports  sporty  sprat  sprats  sprayed  spread  spreads  sprite  spritely  sprites  sprout  sprouted  sprouts  spurred  spurt  spurted  spurts  superiorities  superordinate  support  supported  supporter  supporters  suppurate  sybarite  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Agree to(ব্যক্তি ছাড়া অন্যকিছুর সাথে একমত হওয়া): We cannot agree to your proposal.
Angry for (কোন কাজে রাগান্বিত হওয়া): Rahim was angry with me for my having done this.
Capable of(সক্ষম): He is capable of doing it.
Faithful to (বিশ্বস্ত): The dog is very faithful to its master.
Work for (কারো জন্য কাজ করা): She works for a construction company.
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At-fault (guilty-কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়, অপরাধ, দোষ adj.) You are at fault.
Birds of a feather (persons of like disposition-একই পর্যায়ের লোক) Bird’s of a feather flock together.
End in smoke (ব্যর্থ হওয়া): All his plans ended in smoke.
On the whole (মোটের ওপর): On the whole, his conduct is good.
Take to one's heels (to run away, পালানো)- They took to their heels when they saw the policeman approaching.