English & Bengali Dictionary

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Afraid of(ভীত): An honest man is not afraid of telling the truth.

Burst out a laughter(হাসিতে ফেটে পড়া) He bursts out a laughter.

Consent to(মত দেওয়া): My father did not consent to the proposal of my sister’s marriage.

Delighted at/with (আনন্দিত হওয়া): Sharmin was delighted at/with her husband’s promotion.

Long for (আশা করা/কামনা করা): He longed for name and fame.

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At a low ebb (in an unfavorable situation প্রতিকুল অবস্থায়, ভাটির মুখে) The popularity of this singer is now at a low ebb.

Fight shy of (এড়িয়ে যাওয়া): Honest boys always fight shy of bad and dishonest friends.

Put up with (সহ্য করা - tolerate): I could not put up with his behavior.

Speed money (ঘুষ; উৎকোচ): He hankers after speed money.

Tooth and nail (তীব্রভাবে): He fought tooth and nail for the sake of country.

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