Transposing : পক্ষান্তরিত করা;
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transfusing  transfusions  transposing  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Contemporary of (সমসাময়িক): William Wordsworth was a contemporary for greater efficiency.
Curse for (অভিশাপ দেয়া): If he ever mistreats my parents, I will certainly curse him for it.
Depend upon (নিশ্চিত থাকা, আস্থা রাখা): Sumi depended upon his word.
Inquire of, about, into, after (অনুসন্ধান করা): Roma inquired of me about my father’s health. The pope will inquire into the cause of fire. Mehjabin inquired after her friends.
Play on (বাজানো): They play on the piano.
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Dead language (যে ভাষা এখন আর কথ্য নয়): Sanskrit is a rich language, but it is now a dead language.
Give in (বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা): We will never give in to our enemies.
Out of order (বিকল): The elevator was out of order.
Pin money (স্ত্রীর দেয়া হাত খরচ)— She saved her pin money.
To the backbone (হাড়ে হাড়ে): I know this boy to the backbone.