Synopsis : সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ, সার-সংগ্রহ;
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1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Apologize to (ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা করা, দুঃখসহ ত্রুটি স্বীকার করা): The student apologized to the Principal for adopting unfair means in the examination.
Consistent with(সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ): Your action is not consistent with your word.
Consolidate for (শক্তিশালী করা): The four new companies consolidated for greater efficiency.
Guilty of (অপরাধী/দোষী): The convict was guilty of murder.
Monument to (স্মৃতিসৌধ): The monument to your right is a popular tourist attraction.
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At last (in the end – অবশেষে) He tried hard, and at last, succeeded in achieving his goal.
At ease (in peace or pleasure – শান্তিতে বা আরামে) A man who has enemies can not live at ease.
Now and then (মাঝে মাঝে): He comes here now and then.
Tooth and nail (তীব্রভাবে): He fought tooth and nail for the sake of country.
Tooth and nail (strongly, প্রবলভাবে)-He fought tooth and nail against his enemy.