Stem : উদ্ভিদের কান্ড, পাতা ফুল বা ফলের বোটা;
Related Words
steam  steamy  stem  stemma  stemy  steno  stoma  stone  system  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Abide by(মেনে চলা): We must abide by the rules of discipline.
Ascend to (আরোহণ করা): karim began to ascend to the surface of wakefulness.
Bound for(প্রস্তুত থাকা): Although we can see that it is bound for failure, it is fascinating to follow its journey.
Inquire for (দেখা করতে চাওয়া): He inquires for the manager.
Look for (খোঁজা): I was looking for the lost phone.
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At liberty (free-মুক্ত-adj.) They are at liberty to go anywhere.
On the contrary (বিপরীত পক্ষে): I do not hate him; on the contrary I love him.
Out of order (বিকল): The elevator was out of order.
Run into debt (ঋণগ্রস্ত হওয়া)— He ran into debt.
Upper hand (প্রাধান্য) - He got the upper hand in the selection.