Statuses : অবস্থা; পদমর্যাদা; হাল; প্রতিষ্ঠা;
Related Words
sates  situates  skates  stage  stages  stags  stake  stakes  stash  stashes  states  statics  statues  statuesque  statuettes  status  status quo  statuses  statusquo  statutes  stays  stews  sties  stitches  stoats  studies  studs  styes  swatches  swathes  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Break in (কথার মাঝে কথা বলা): As she was talking, he suddenly broke in, saying, ‘that’s a rat!’
Cope with (এঁটে ওঠা; তাল মিলিয়ে চলা): They cannot cope with so much work.
Deal with (কারো সাথে ব্যবহার বা আচরণ করা): Shahid can deal well with the customers.
Devoid of (বিহীন/বর্জিত): He is devoid of common sense.
Loyal to (অনুগত): Every citizen must be loyal to the state.
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At home (comfortable— আরাম) He feels at home in Dhaka now.
Out of sorts (সামান্য অসুস্থ): The baby is out of sorts after playing.
Slip of the pen (লেখায় অসতর্কতাবশত সামান্য ভুল): The mistake is due to a slip of the pen.
To the brim (কানায় কানায়) - The river was full to the brim.
With might and main (যথা শক্তি দিয়ে) —He tried with might and main to help me.