Spheric : বর্তুল; বর্তুলাকার; মণ্ডলাকার; গোলকসংক্রান্ত; গোলকাকার; গোলকায়; গোলীয়; গোল;
Related Words
spears  spearside  spheres  spheric  spherical  sprig  sprigs  spruce  superiors  supersonic  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Anxious about (কোনো কিছুর ব্যাপারে চিন্তিত বা উদ্বিগ্ন): Karim is anxious about his father’s death. Karim is anxious for getting a job.
Bad at (অদক্ষ): He is not bad at English.
Devoid of (বিহীন/বর্জিত): He is devoid of common sense.
Effect of (প্রভাব): The effect of corruption is very harmful for our society.
Entitled to (অধিকারী): He is entitled to a reward for honesty.
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In lieu of (পরিবর্তে): Give me this pen in lieu of that.
Moot point (অমীমাংসিত বিষয়): Dowry system is still a moot point in Bangladesh.
Red tape (official formalities, অফিসের কাজ)— You would not believe the red tape involved in getting the required permits.
Short cut (সংক্ষিপ্ত পথ)— He comes by this shortcut.
Up and doing (উদ্যোগী): Be up and doing and then you will succeed in your life.