Spectrogram : বর্ণালির আলোকক চিত্র বা রেখা চিত্র;
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Appropriate Prepositions
Akin to(সমজাতীয়): These are akin to one another.
Avail (oneself) of(সুযোগের স্বব্যবহার করা): I shall avail myself of the first trip to London tomorrow.
Indispensable to (অত্যাবশ্যকীয়): Your help is indispensable to him.
Inquire of, about, into, after (অনুসন্ধান করা): Roma inquired of me about my father’s health. The pope will inquire into the cause of fire. Mehjabin inquired after her friends.
Object to (প্রতিবাদ করা): Many people objected to the remarks of the leader.
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In a nutshell (সংক্ষেপে): Tell the whole story in a nutshell.
Through and through (পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খু রুপে)- He read the poem through and through.
Ups and downs (উত্থান পতন): There are ups and downs in a man’s life.
Upper hand (প্রাধান্য) - He got the upper hand in the selection.
Well up (সুপন্ডিত)- Dr. Shahidullah was well-up in Bengali language.