Saxony : একধরণের মিহি পশম বা ঐ পশমের পোশাক;
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saxon  saxony  season  simony  so many  somany  son  sonny  suasion  synonym  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Apart from(ছাড়া, ব্যতীত, দূরে): They pave apart from each other.
Argue against (বিপক্ষে বলা): She argued against the bill.
Deal with (কারো সাথে ব্যবহার বা আচরণ করা): Shahid can deal well with the customers.
Road to (উপায়/ রাস্তা): There is no easy road to learning.
Short of (অপর্যাপ্ত): I am running short of money.
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At a discount (অনাদৃত) Female education is no longer at a discount now.
As ill-luck would have it (unfortunately- দুর্ভাগ্যবশত) A child was born to them but, as ill-luck would have it, it died when it was eight days old.
Bring to light (disclose-প্রকাশ করা) The police brought the secret to light.
Fight shy (এড়িয়ে চলা): Why do you fight shy of your teacher?
Far and wide (সর্বত্র): His fame spread far and wide.