Saint : ধার্মিক ব্যক্তি; ঋষি; সাধু;
Related Words
s quint  saint  sainted  sainthood  sand  sanity  scant  scanty  secant  see into  sent  shant  shanty  shinto  signet  sinuate  skint  snot  sonant  squint  squinted  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Apart from(ছাড়া, ব্যতীত, দূরে): They pave apart from each other.
Arrive at(উপস্থিত হওয়া, পৌছানো): The train arrived at Dhaka station on time.
Complain to (কারো কাছে নালিশ করা): You should not complain to his parents.
Consistent with(সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ): Your action is not consistent with your word.
Contrary to(বিপরীত, পরিপন্থী): Students should not act contrary to the rules of discipline.
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All along - (সব সময়): I was present in the meeting all along.
Birds of a feather (persons of like disposition-একই পর্যায়ের লোক) Bird’s of a feather flock together.
Liable to mislead (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ- deceptive): Appearances can often be liable to mislead.
Make both ends meet (আয় ব্যয় মেলানো): I cannot make both ends meet with my small income.
Milk and honey – (প্রাচুর্য)- He lives with milk and honey.