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Round-the-clock :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Round-the-clock : চৌবিশ ঘঁটা ধরিয়া চালু;

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round the clock  round-the-clock  roundtheclock  

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1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Answer for(কোনো কারনে জবাবদিহি করা): He will have to answer for his misdeeds.

Deal in, with, out (ব্যবসা করা, ব্যবহার করা, বন্টন করা): The man deals in rice. He does not know how to deal with a customer. The Chairman dealt out the relief materials to the flood affected people.

Easy of (সরল): The teacher is easy of approach.

Search for (সন্ধান করা): The police searched the halls of residence for arms.

Send for (ডেকে পাঠানো): Send for a doctor immediately.

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As a whole (মোটের উপর, সম্পূর্ন এক মনে করে-adv.) Look at life as a whole and you will see that it is meaningful.

Cut a sorry figure (খারাপ ফল করা): He cuts a sorry figure in the examination.

Irony of fate (ভাগ্যের পরিহাস): He could not succeed by irony of fate.

Short temper (রগচটা)— He is a man of short temper.

Soft Soap (নিজ অভিপ্রায়ে/অভিসন্ধিতে তোষামোদ করা): He was expert in soft soap.

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