Pursues : অন্বেষণ করা; অনুধাবন করা; পশ্চাদ্ধাবন করা; চালান; অনুবর্তী হত্তয়া; অনুসরণ করা; পাছু লাগা; পিছু পিছু ছোটা; পশ্চাদনুসরণ করা; পেছনে ছোটা;
Related Words
pares  parishes  parse  parsec  parsee  parsees  parsis  perishes  perse  peruses  phrases  pores  porous  pours  praise  praises  precis  press  preys  prise  prissy  prizes  prose  proses  pur chases  purchase  purchases  purees  purge  purges  purse  purses  pursue  pursues  pursy  pyres  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Angry for (কোন কাজে রাগান্বিত হওয়া): Rahim was angry with me for my having done this.
Call on(কারও সাথে দেখা করা): I called on him in his office.
Change into (পরিবর্তিত হওয়া): At what point does boiling water change into vapor.
Deprived of (বঞ্চিত): He was deprived of education due to extreme poverty.
Quarrel over (কোন বিষয়ে ঝগড়া করা): Do not quarrel over this trifling matter, let it be drop.
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Cut to the quick (মর্মাহত হওয়া): I was cut to the quick by his birds.
Pick one’s pocket (পকেট মারা)— He tried to pick my pocket.
Ups and downs (উত্থান পতন): There are ups and downs in a man’s life.
Upper hand (প্রাধান্য) - He got the upper hand in the selection.
Worthy of (যোগ্য) - He is worthy of a good job.