Prognostic : ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী; পূর্বাভাসদান; পূর্বাভাস; ; /adjective/ভবিষ্যদ্বাণীমূলক; পূর্বাভাসমূলক; রোগেরগতিনির্দেশক;
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prognostic  prognosticate  prognosticated  prognosticating  prognostication  prognostications  prognostics  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Abide in(বাস করা): I abide in Dhaka with my family.
Careful of(যত্নশীল থাকা): Sadia is careful of her health.
Die of, for, from (মারা যাওয়া): He died of cholera. He died for his country. He died from an injury.
Refer to (সিদ্ধান্তের জন্য প্রেরণ করা): The matter was referred to the Chairman for a decision.
Run on (বিরতিহীন চলা): The bus is running on time.
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Cut a sorry figure (খারাপ ফল করা): He cuts a sorry figure in the examination.
Cut to the quick (মর্মাহত হওয়া): I was cut to the quick by his birds.
Make both ends meet (আয় ব্যয় মেলানো): I cannot make both ends meet with my small income.
Turn a deaf ear to (pay no attention, প্রত্যাখান করা) —He turned a deaf ear to my proposal.
White color job – (উচ্চ শ্রেনীর চাকরি, যেখানে শারীরিক কাজ নেই বললেই চলে- a job without manual labour) - He wants a white color job.