Pharmacies : ঔষধালয়; ভেষজালয়; ডাক্তার-খানা;
Related Words
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1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Burst out a laughter(হাসিতে ফেটে পড়া) He bursts out a laughter.
Congratulate on(অভিনন্দন জানানো): They congratulated me on my brilliant success.
Cope with (এঁটে ওঠা; তাল মিলিয়ে চলা): They cannot cope with so much work.
Heir of (উত্তরাধিকারী): He is the heir of his father.
Taste of (স্বাদ; অভিজ্ঞতা): They have had some taste of problems.
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Do yeoman’s service (বিশেষ উপকার করা): Freedom fighters have done yeoman’s service for country.
In cold blood (ঠান্ডা মাথায়): They committed this murder in cold blood.
In vogue (চালু): This custom is not in vogue at present.
Lion’s share (বড় মাপের অংশ): He took the lion’s share of the profit.
Make both ends meet (আয় ব্যয় মেলানো): I cannot make both ends meet with my small income.