Phantom : ভূত, স্বপ্নে, দেখা অবাস্তব বস্তু;
Related Words
pantheon  pantomime  pantomimes  pantomimist  phantom  phantoms  ponton  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Answer for(কোনো কারনে জবাবদিহি করা): He will have to answer for his misdeeds.
Covetous of(লোভী হওয়া): He is covetous of wealth.
Enter into (আলোচনা করতে আরম্ভ করা): Let’s not enter into details at this stage.
Good for, at (ভাল): This man is good for nothing. He is good at English.
Loyal to (অনুগত): Every citizen must be loyal to the state.
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At a discount (অনাদৃত) Female education is no longer at a discount now.
Irony of fate (ভাগ্যের পরিহাস): He could not succeed by irony of fate.
Maiden speech (প্রথম বক্তৃতা): His maiden speech fell flat on the audience.
Upper hand (প্রাধান্য) - He got the upper hand in the selection.
Wild goose chase (useless pursuit, পন্ডশ্রম) —Do not waste time in wild goose chase.