Personnel : কোনও ব্যবসা বা সরকারী প্রতিষ্ঠানের কর্মচারিবৃন্দ ; কর্মচারিবর্গ; the persons employed in any business or public service
Related Words
personal  personal law  personalities  personality  personally  personalty  personnel  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Abhorrence of (ঘৃণা): Everyone should have abhorrence of a par.
Annoyed for(কোনো কারনে বিরক্ত হওয়া): The officer was annoyed with the clerk for being late.
Appoint to(নিযুক্ত করা/হওয়া): Kibria has been appointed to the post of Headmaster.
Count for(গণ্য বা বিবেচিত হওয়া): There can be no lasting peace without true democracy in which the people play a part and count for something.
Dull of (বধির; কানে শুনে না): He is dull of hearing.
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Art and part (অভিসন্ধি ও সম্পাদন) We have no art and part in his affairs.
At-fault (guilty-কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ়, অপরাধ, দোষ adj.) You are at fault.
As ill-luck would have it (unfortunately- দুর্ভাগ্যবশত) A child was born to them but, as ill-luck would have it, it died when it was eight days old.
Head and ears (সম্পূর্ণরূপে): He is over head and ears in debt.
In black and white – (লিখিতভাবে) – Put forward your proposal in black and white.