Permeate : সূক্ষ্ন গর্ত দিয়া প্রবেশ করা;
Related Words
parameter  parameters  perianth  perimeter  perimeters  perimetry  permanent  permanently  permeate  permeated  permeates  permeating  permit  permits  permitted  permutation  permute  permuted  prayer mat  prayer-mat  pre mature  premature  prematurely  premeditate  premeditated  prenatal  prentice  primate  primates  promenade  promenades  promethean  promote  promoted  promoter  promotes  pyrometer  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Famous for (বিখ্যাত): Smith is famous for his wisdom.
Inferior to (নীচু/হীন): He is inferior to his neighbor.
Inquire of, about, into, after (অনুসন্ধান করা): Roma inquired of me about my father’s health. The pope will inquire into the cause of fire. Mehjabin inquired after her friends.
Make of (কোনো উপকরণ দ্বারা সরাসরি তৈরী বোঝাতে): This necklace is made of gold.
Sanguine of (নিশ্চিত বা আশান্বিত): Be sanguine of your success.
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Fair play (প্রতারণা বিহীন নীতি বা কাজ): I believe in the practice of fair play in my business.
In the wake of (ঠিক পরে): Police came in the wake of the accident.
Man of straw (অপদার্থ): We do not care for a man of straw like you.
Pin money (স্ত্রীর দেয়া হাত খরচ)— She saved her pin money.
Run a risk (ঝুকি নেয়া) — He ran a risk to save his life.