Pegasus : কাব্যপ্রতিভা; কবিসুলভ অনুপ্রেরণা; পক্ষিরাজ ঘোড়া; দানবী মেডুসার রক্তজাত পক্ষিরাজ ঘোড়াবিশেষ;
Related Words
pass  passe  passes  pause  pauses  peaces  peaks  peas  pease  pegasus  pegs  pesos  phases  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Admit of(স্থান করা, সুযোগপ্রাপ্ত হওয়া): His offence admits of no explanation.
Charge with(অভিযুক্ত করা): He is charged with killing.
Identical with (একই ধরণের): You are identical with your sister.
Loyal to (অনুগত): Every citizen must be loyal to the state.
Play on (বাজানো): They play on the piano.
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All up with - (পুরোপুরি, হতাশ, সব আশা শেষ): If we can't, it's all up with the councillor.
Bad blood - (শত্রুতা): There has always been bad blood between these families.
Gift of the gab (বাকপটুতা): An advocate should have the gift of the gab.
Tooth and nail (strongly, প্রবলভাবে)-He fought tooth and nail against his enemy.
To the contrary (against what some one had said, পক্ষান্তরে) —He said nothing to the contrary.