Pat : মৃদু চাপড়, একতাল;
Related Words
pad  pat  pate  pated  path  patted  patty  payout  peat  peaty  pedate  pet  pit  pot  potato  put  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Acquit of (অব্যাহতি দেয়া): The chief justice acquitted him of the charge of murder.
Appointment with (সাক্ষাতের সময়): He has an appointment with the minister at 10:00 am.
Fit for (যোগ্য): Sabina is not yet fit for marriage.
Long for (আশা করা/কামনা করা): He longed for name and fame.
Regard for (সম্মান): Good boys have great regard for their teachers.
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At a low ebb (in an unfavorable situation প্রতিকুল অবস্থায়, ভাটির মুখে) The popularity of this singer is now at a low ebb.
Pack up a quarrel (ঝগড়া মিটানো)— He packed up their quarrel.
Right and left (এলোপাথাড়ি - indiscriminately): He planted trees right and left.
Set something right (ঠিক করা)— He will set the machine right.
To the brim (কানায় কানায়) - The river was full to the brim.