Misconceive : ভুল ধারণা করা; ভুল বোঝা; ভুল করা; ভুল বিচার করা; কোন জিনিসের ভ্রান্ত ধারণা করা;
Related Words
misconceive  misconceived  misconception  misconceptions  misconcieve  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Admit into(প্রবেশ করতে দেওয়া): Only the selected people were admitted into the theater.
Contrary to(বিপরীত, পরিপন্থী): Students should not act contrary to the rules of discipline.
Devote to (উৎসর্গ করা/নিয়োজিত করা): Students should devote sufficient time to their studies.
Informed of (অবহিত): I was not informed of your misfortune.
With a view to (উদ্দেশ্য): I went to hospital with a view to seeing you.
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Bear in mind (মনে রাখা): Always bear in mind that you are a daughter of a reputed person.
Eat humble pie (অপমান হজম করে ক্ষমা চাওয়া): The manager had to eat humble pie before his employees.
Red letter day (স্মরণীয় দিন): The 16th December is a red letter day for us.
Square meal (পেট ভরা আহার): He is too poor to have a square meal everyday.
Turn a deaf ear to (pay no attention, প্রত্যাখান করা) —He turned a deaf ear to my proposal.