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Machinator :

English to Bengali Dictionary

Machinator : ষড়যন্ত্রকারী;

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1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com

Appropriate Prepositions

Cause for (চিন্তিত হওয়ার কারণ): He has never given me any cause for concern.

Complain to (কারো কাছে নালিশ করা): You should not complain to his parents.

Count on/upon (নির্ভর, বিশ্বাস করা): Rahim count on (upon) my help.

Deaf to, of, in (না শোনা, বধির হওয়া): The boy is deaf to his father’s advice. This man is deaf of/in one ear.

Fit for (যোগ্য): Sabina is not yet fit for marriage.

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A bed of roses - (সুখকর অবস্থা): Life is not a bed of roses.

Gala day (বিশেষ দিন): The Eid–Ul-Fitr is a gala day for Muslims.

Seventh heaven – (মহাখুশী) – I was in the seventh heaven when I heard the news of my BCS final result.

Square meal (পেট ভরা আহার): He is too poor to have a square meal everyday.

To the backbone (হাড়ে হাড়ে): I know this boy to the backbone.

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