Intervene : মধ্যবর্তী হওয়া বা মধ্যস্থ হওয়া; হস্তক্ষেপ করা
Related Words
interpenetrate  interpenetrates  interurban  intervene  intervened  intervenes  intervening  intervention  interventions  interweaving  interwoven  intravenous  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Adapt for (উপযোগী করে নেওয়া): This book has been adapted for the children.
Bark at(ঘেউ ঘেউ করা): The dog is barking at the strange woman.
Informed of (অবহিত): I was not informed of your misfortune.
Point out (চিহ্নিত করা): Point out the mistakes from the book.
Quarrel over (কোন বিষয়ে ঝগড়া করা): Do not quarrel over this trifling matter, let it be drop.
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Acid test (অগ্নি পরীক্ষা): You must succeed in the acid test of the time you live in.45
At a round rate (at the fixed price – নির্ধারিত মূল্যে) Things are selling in the shop at a round rate.
Flesh and blood (রক্তমাংসের শরীর): She's my own flesh and blood; I can't believe she treated me that way!
Three score (ষাট): He is happy as his brother got three score.
To the letter (in all details, অক্ষরে অক্ষরে) —Follow my advice to the letter.