Hark : শোনা; শোনা;
Related Words
hairs  hares  hark  harks  harsh  hears  hoars  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Appoint to(নিযুক্ত করা/হওয়া): Kibria has been appointed to the post of Headmaster.
Cause of(কারণ): Industry is the cause of your success.
Count for(গণ্য বা বিবেচিত হওয়া): There can be no lasting peace without true democracy in which the people play a part and count for something.
Full of (পরিপূর্ণ): Our Rivers are full of fishes.
Repent of (অনুতাপ করা): I repented of my past.
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In one’s teens (তের থেকে উনিশ বছর বয়সের মাঝে): She is yet in her teens.
Run into debt (ঋণগ্রস্ত হওয়া)— He ran into debt.
Slip of the tongue (বলায় সামান্য ভুল): This is a slip of the tongue; don’t pay much stress on it.
To the utmost (যথাসাধ্য) - I tried to the utmost of my ability to have a job.
Up to (পর্যন্ত) - I have done the exercises up to page 40.