Hand-made : হস্তনির্মিত;
Related Words
hand made  hand-made  hand-note  hand-to-hand  handmade  handmaid  handmaiden  handtohand  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Change into (পরিবর্তিত হওয়া): At what point does boiling water change into vapor.
Concerned with(জড়িত): She was concerned with such things.
Meet with (হঠাৎ কোন কিছু হওয়া): Yesterday I met with an accident.
Refer to (সিদ্ধান্তের জন্য প্রেরণ করা): The matter was referred to the Chairman for a decision.
Run after (পশ্চাদানুসরণ করা): Do not run after money.
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Bird’s eye view - (ভাসা ভাসা দৃশ্য, হালকাভাবে দর্শন): We took a bird’s eye view of the scenery.
Bad bargain (purchasing at a high price-বেশি দামে কেনা-n) You had a bad bargain of the watch I see.
Liable to mislead (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ- deceptive): Appearances can often be liable to mislead.
Now and then (মাঝে মাঝে): He comes here now and then.
Short temper (রগচটা)— He is a man of short temper.