Gabby : বাচাল; কইয়ে;
Related Words
gab  gabby  gaby  goby  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Apologize to (ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা করা, দুঃখসহ ত্রুটি স্বীকার করা): The student apologized to the Principal for adopting unfair means in the examination.
Appoint to(নিযুক্ত করা/হওয়া): Kibria has been appointed to the post of Headmaster.
Assure of(আশ্বাস দেওয়া): I can assure you of the Principal’s honesty.
Effect of (প্রভাব): The effect of corruption is very harmful for our society.
Regard for (সম্মান): Good boys have great regard for their teachers.
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At dead of night (গভীর রাতে) The police caught the thief at dead of night.
Rank and file (সাধারণ লোক): We should pay attention to the rank and file of the country.
Run a risk (ঝুকি নেয়া) — He ran a risk to save his life.
To the point (সঠিক) - The boy answered the question to the point.
Under age (অপ্রাপ্ত বয়স্ক)- He could not cast his vote because he was under age.