Fullmoon : পূর্ণিমা; পূর্ণেন্দু; পূর্ণচন্দ্র; পূর্ণিমার চাঁদ;
Related Words
fall on  fallon  felon  flow on  flown  follow on  full moon  fullmoon  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Add to (বৃদ্ধি করা, যোগ করা): The doll-dance in the exhibition added to our pleasure.
Answerable to (কারো কাছে জবাবদিহিতা করা): He is not answerable to anybody for his mistake.
Based on(প্রতিষ্ঠিত, ভিত্তিক): His information is not based on the correct information.
Call in(ডাকিয়া আনা): They called in a doctor.
Side with (পক্ষ অবলম্বন করা): The Chairman sided with the powerful party.
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At every step (প্রতি পদে পদে): There are dangers at every step in our life and yet we want to live.
In cold blood (ঠান্ডা মাথায়): They committed this murder in cold blood.
To play on a fiddle (অনর্থক সময় নষ্ট করা - To waste time)-He played on a fiddle by nature.
Put up with (সহ্য করা - tolerate): I could not put up with his behavior.
Widow’s mite (দরিদ্রের ক্ষুদ্র দান): A windows mite is no less important than a large contribution of a rich man.