Fossilized : অশ্মীভূত করা; অশ্মীভূত হত্তয়া;
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1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Admit of(স্থান করা, সুযোগপ্রাপ্ত হওয়া): His offence admits of no explanation.
Apologize to (ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা করা, দুঃখসহ ত্রুটি স্বীকার করা): The student apologized to the Principal for adopting unfair means in the examination.
Congratulate on(অভিনন্দন জানানো): They congratulated me on my brilliant success.
Loyal to (অনুগত): Every citizen must be loyal to the state.
Play at (খেলা): I do not play at cards.
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Bad book (disfavour-খারাপ নজর —n) The secretary has fallen in the bad book of the manager.
Be all and end all (the ultimate out come- চরম পরিণতি—n) A loss of one million taka was the be all and end all of the projects.
Fair play (প্রতারণা বিহীন নীতি বা কাজ): I believe in the practice of fair play in my business.
Gala day (বিশেষ দিন): The Eid–Ul-Fitr is a gala day for Muslims.
Safe and sound (নিরাপদে)— He reached home safe and sound.