Fifteenth : পঞ্চদশ
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fifteenth  fitment  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Adjacent to(সংলগ্ন): The Post Office is adjacent to my house.
Drop to (নিচে নামানো): Asif dropped his voice to a whisper.
Famous for (বিখ্যাত): Smith is famous for his wisdom.
Grateful to (কৃতজ্ঞ): We should be grateful to our teachers.
Yield to (নতি স্বীকার করা): I shall not yield to his temptation.
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Far and wide (সর্বত্র): His fame spread far and wide.
Liable to mislead (প্রতারণাপূর্ণ- deceptive): Appearances can often be liable to mislead.
Put up with (সহ্য করা - tolerate): I could not put up with his behavior.
To the contrary (against what some one had said, পক্ষান্তরে) —He said nothing to the contrary.
Up to (পর্যন্ত) - I have done the exercises up to page 40.