Fief : জায়গীর;
Related Words
fie  fief  fife  five  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Absent from(অনুপস্থিত থাকা): I was absent from the class yesterday.
Admit into(প্রবেশ করতে দেওয়া): Only the selected people were admitted into the theater.
Ashamed of(লজ্জিত): Nandini was ashamed of his wrong-doing.
Complain about (কোনো বিষয়ে নালিশ করা): They complained about the mismanagement of the programme.
Devote to (উৎসর্গ করা/নিয়োজিত করা): Students should devote sufficient time to their studies.
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At death’s door (at the point of death- মৃত্যুর দ্বারে) The patient is now at death’s door.
At the top of (শীর্ষে): The boy shouted at the top of his voice.
Seventh heaven – (মহাখুশী) – I was in the seventh heaven when I heard the news of my BCS final result.
Short cut (সংক্ষিপ্ত পথ)— He comes by this shortcut.
Tooth and nail (strongly, প্রবলভাবে)-He fought tooth and nail against his enemy.