Feudalism : সমাজতন্ত্র; জায়গীর(প্রথা)
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1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Arrive at(উপস্থিত হওয়া, পৌছানো): The train arrived at Dhaka station on time.
Bark at(ঘেউ ঘেউ করা): The dog is barking at the strange woman.
Concentrate on(কেন্দ্রীভূত করা): Try to concentrate your attention on your studies.
Deprived of (বঞ্চিত): He was deprived of education due to extreme poverty.
Shocked at (মানসিক আঘাতপ্রাপ্ত): Snigdha was terribly shocked at the death of Ratul.
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As a rule (নিয়ম অনুসারে.) As a rule, she kept silent in the meeting.
Bear in mind (মনে রাখা): Always bear in mind that you are a daughter of a reputed person.
Eat humble pie (অপমান হজম করে ক্ষমা চাওয়া): The manager had to eat humble pie before his employees.
To the point (সঠিক) - The boy answered the question to the point.
Take to heart (মর্মাহত হওয়া)- He really took it to heart when I asked him to reconsider.