Felt : উত্তাপের দ্বারা পশম জমাট করিয়া প্রস্তুত বস্ত্র
Related Words
fault  fealty  fellatio  felt  field  filet  filth  flat  fleet  flit  float  flout  flute  fluty  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Angry with(কারো সাথে ক্রুদ্ধ হওয়া): The teacher was very angry with the students.
Good for, at (ভাল): This man is good for nothing. He is good at English.
Hanker after (আকাঙ্ক্ষা/লোভ করা): He hankers after riches.
Indispensable to (অত্যাবশ্যকীয়): Your help is indispensable to him.
Look over (পরীক্ষা করা): He was looking over the answer scripts.
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At the latest (খুব বেশি দেরী হলে) He will arrive here at 5 p. m. at the latest.
Bad bargain (purchasing at a high price-বেশি দামে কেনা-n) You had a bad bargain of the watch I see.
Fight shy of (এড়িয়ে যাওয়া): Honest boys always fight shy of bad and dishonest friends.
In a nutshell (সংক্ষেপে): Tell the whole story in a nutshell.
Seventh heaven – (মহাখুশী) – I was in the seventh heaven when I heard the news of my BCS final result.