Farther : দূরতর
Related Words
fair weather  fairtrade  fairweather  farther  fraternal  fritter  frittered  fritters  fruiterer  fruitier  further  further more  further-more  furtherance  furthered  furthering  furthermore  furthermost  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Apologize to (ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা করা, দুঃখসহ ত্রুটি স্বীকার করা): The student apologized to the Principal for adopting unfair means in the examination.
Ascend to (আরোহণ করা): karim began to ascend to the surface of wakefulness.
Covetous of(লোভী হওয়া): He is covetous of wealth.
Destitute of (নিঃস্ব; বিবর্জিত): He is destitute of any friend here.
Quarrel with (ঝগড়া করা): Some girls quarreled with one another.
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At all (in the least degree – মোটেও না) There is no water at all in the pond.
Pass away (মারা যাওয়া)— He passed away last night.
Silver tongue (মিষ্টভাষী)- He is a man of silver tongue.
Silver living (hope- আশা বা ভালো দিক): Every cloud has a silver lining.
Weal and woe (সুখ-দুঃখ): Human life is full of weal and woe.