Evolved : প্রসূত; জাত; অভিব্যক্ত; নিষ্পন্ন; গজান;
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Appropriate Prepositions
Annoyed at(ব্যক্তি ছাড়া অন্যকিছুর প্রতি বিরক্ত): They were annoyed at his rough behavior.
Behave towards(ব্যবহার করা): The students behaved objectionably towards the Head teacher.
Breakdown of (বিস্তারিত): Here is statistical breakdown of data.
Informed of (অবহিত): I was not informed of your misfortune.
Render into (অনুবাদ করা): Render the passage into Bengap.
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All at once - (হঠাৎ): I feel terribly sleepy all at once.
Burning question - (গুরুত্বপূর্ন বিষয়): Poverty problem is a burning question of our country.
Fight shy of (এড়িয়ে যাওয়া): Honest boys always fight shy of bad and dishonest friends.
Hush money (ঘুষ): He offered a hush money to disclose the file.
Red letter day (স্মরণীয় দিন): The 16th December is a red letter day for us.