Engagement : চুক্তি; বাগদান; নির্দিষ্ট সময়ে সাক্ষাতের প্রতিশ্রুতি
Related Words
encasement  enchanment  enchantment  enchantments  engagement  engagement ring  engagements  enhancement  enhancements  enjoyment  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Alarm at, by, for(আশংকা করা/শঙ্কিত হওয়া): I was not alarmed at/by the news, but I was alarmed for their safety.
Concern with (জড়িত থাকা): Asif is not concerned with this conspiracy.
Loyal to (অনুগত): Every citizen must be loyal to the state.
Sentence to, for (দন্ডাদেশ দেওয়া): He was sentenced to death for murder.
Urge upon (আহবান জানানো): She urged upon his son the importance of being honest.
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After all - (সব কথার পরেও): I rang and told her I couldn't come after all.
At every step (প্রতি পদে পদে): There are dangers at every step in our life and yet we want to live.
On the whole (মোটের ওপর): On the whole, his conduct is good.
Safe and sound (নিরাপদে)— He reached home safe and sound.
Well up (সুপন্ডিত)- Dr. Shahidullah was well-up in Bengali language.