Dismayed : আতঙ্কিত করা;
Related Words
decimate  decimated  dismantle  dismantled  dismantles  dismayed  dismounted  disowned  disseminated  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Behave towards(ব্যবহার করা): The students behaved objectionably towards the Head teacher.
Complain about (কোনো বিষয়ে নালিশ করা): They complained about the mismanagement of the programme.
Concerned with(জড়িত): She was concerned with such things.
Quick at (চটপটে): A cashier must be quick at figures.
Repentance for (অনুতাপ): He has repentance for the past.
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Be all and end all (the ultimate out come- চরম পরিণতি—n) A loss of one million taka was the be all and end all of the projects.
Fish out of water (অস্বস্তিকর অবস্থা): When he came to the village, he felt like fish out of water.
Now and then (মাঝে মাঝে): He comes here now and then.
Up-to-date (আধুনিক) - Now-a-days ladies are very up to date.
With a view to (উদ্দেশ্য)- He goes to college with a view to attending the class.