Deputies : ডেপুটি; প্রতিনিধি; অনুকল্প;
Related Words
debates  debts  debuts  depots  depths  deputes  deputies  deputise  deputize  deputized  deputizing  deviates  devotees  devotes  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Apart from(ছাড়া, ব্যতীত, দূরে): They pave apart from each other.
Argue against (বিপক্ষে বলা): She argued against the bill.
Complain about (কোনো বিষয়ে নালিশ করা): They complained about the mismanagement of the programme.
Innocent of (নির্দোষ): The maid servant was proved innocent of the alleged theft.
Sick of (ক্লান্ত): He is sick of this idle life.
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A bed of roses - (সুখকর অবস্থা): Life is not a bed of roses.
At times (মাঝে মাঝে): He at times comes here.
Bear in mind (remember— মনে রাখা —V): You should also bear in mind the additional costs of the mortgage.
In a nutshell (সংক্ষেপে): Tell the whole story in a nutshell.
Of course (অবশ্যই): Of course, you know what that meant.