Deputation : প্রতিনিধিদল; প্রতিনিধিত্ব;
Related Words
debating  debutant  debutante  defeating  deputation  deputation on  deputationist  deputing  deviating  deviation  deviations  devotion  devotions  dubitation  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Argue against (বিপক্ষে বলা): She argued against the bill.
Care for(গ্রাহ্য করা): I do not care for you.
Consolidate for (শক্তিশালী করা): The four new companies consolidated for greater efficiency.
Due to (কারণে): His absence is due to illness.
Hard of (কানে খাটো বা কম শোনা): Ratan is a hard of hearing.
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At random (indiscriminately—এলোপাথাড়ি-adv.) He talks at random like a mad man.
As a rule (নিয়ম অনুসারে.) As a rule, she kept silent in the meeting.
Eat humble pie (অপমান হজম করে ক্ষমা চাওয়া): The manager had to eat humble pie before his employees.
Man of straw (অপদার্থ): We do not care for a man of straw like you.
Pack of lies (ডাঁহা মিথ্যা)—He told pack of lies to prove himself innocent.