Delegate : প্রতিনিধি, প্রতিনিধিরূপে প্রেরণ করা
Related Words
delectable  delectation  delegate  delegated  delegates  delegating  delegation  delegations  delicate  delicates  delight  delighted  delights  deluged  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Ascend to (আরোহণ করা): karim began to ascend to the surface of wakefulness.
Attest to(প্রত্যয়ন করা): I like to attest to your ability.
Change into (পরিবর্তিত হওয়া): At what point does boiling water change into vapor.
Hanker after (আকাঙ্ক্ষা/লোভ করা): He hankers after riches.
Indulge in (আসক্ত): You should not indulge in social media.
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Art and part (অভিসন্ধি ও সম্পাদন) We have no art and part in his affairs.
From cradle to grave (দোলনা থেকে কবর পর্যন্ত): Everyone has to learn from cradle to grave.
Gain Ground (সুবিধা পাওয়া): The wise are said to gain the ground in the long run.
Pick a quarrel (ঝগড়া করা)—Do not pick a quarrel.
Round the clock (সমস্ত দিন): He is working round the clock.