Crofter : গোলাবাড়ির মালিক;
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craftier  crofter  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Admit into(প্রবেশ করতে দেওয়া): Only the selected people were admitted into the theater.
Attacked by(আক্রান্ত ব্যক্তিবাচক): He has been attacked by a gang of robbers.
Complain to (কারো কাছে নালিশ করা): You should not complain to his parents.
Cope with (এঁটে ওঠা; তাল মিলিয়ে চলা): They cannot cope with so much work.
Quarrel over (কোন বিষয়ে ঝগড়া করা): Do not quarrel over this trifling matter, let it be drop.
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Cock and bull story (আষাঢ়ে গল্প): You must be ashamed of your cock and bull story.
Eat humble pie (অপমান হজম করে ক্ষমা চাওয়া): The manager had to eat humble pie before his employees.
In a nutshell (সংক্ষেপে): Tell the whole story in a nutshell.
Lose heart (হতাশ হওয়া) — Do not lose heart in danger.
To the utmost (যথাসাধ্য) - I tried to the utmost of my ability to have a job.