Coruscation : চমক; ঝলকানি; আভা; জ্যোতিঃস্ফুরণ;
Related Words
correcting  correction  correctional  corrections  corrugation  coruscating  coruscation  cross section  crosssection  crustiness  crusting  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Adorn with(সাজানো/সজ্জিত করা): Adorn the car with flowers.
Convenient to(সুবিধাজনক): The work is convenient to your nature.
Fond of (প্রিয়/অনুরাগী): Children are fond of sweets.
Rebel against (বিদ্রোহ করা): The soldiers rebelled against the king.
Sorry for (দুঃখিত): He is sorry for his misdeeds.
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Bad book (disfavour-খারাপ নজর —n) The secretary has fallen in the bad book of the manager.
Die in harness (কর্মরত অবস্থায় মারা যাওয়া): Dr. Sen died in harness.
Fall flat (ফলপ্রসূ না হওয়া): This business is going to fall flat.
Round the clock (সমস্ত দিন): He is working round the clock.
Under age (অপ্রাপ্ত বয়স্ক)- He could not cast his vote because he was under age.