Commonest : সাধারণ; প্রচলিত; সর্বজনীন; নিকৃষ্ট; সাধারণ্যে স্বীকৃত; সাধারণ্যে গৃহীত; সুলভ; ইতর; সস্তা; বাজে; অখ্যাত;
Related Words
co mmunist  comes out  comes to  comestible  commonest  communicates  communist  communistic  communists  conceit  congest  congested  congesting  congestion  connect  conquest  conquests  consist  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Alarm at, by, for(আশংকা করা/শঙ্কিত হওয়া): I was not alarmed at/by the news, but I was alarmed for their safety.
Convict of(দোষী সাব্যস্ত হওয়া): The accused person was convicted of the murder.
Convince of(বিশ্বাস হওয়া): I am convinced of your efficiency.
Die of, for, from (মারা যাওয়া): He died of cholera. He died for his country. He died from an injury.
Hostile to (বিরোধী বা বিরূপ ভাবাপন্ন): Nobody is hostile to you.
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At random (indiscriminately—এলোপাথাড়ি-adv.) He talks at random like a mad man.
Bear in mind (remember— মনে রাখা —V): You should also bear in mind the additional costs of the mortgage.
Eat humble pie (অপমান হজম করে ক্ষমা চাওয়া): The manager had to eat humble pie before his employees.
Slow coach (অলস): You cannot expect much from a slow coach.
Wild goose chase (useless pursuit, পন্ডশ্রম) —Do not waste time in wild goose chase.