Commands : আদেশ; হুকুম; আজ্ঞা; দখল; নেতৃত্ব; ক্ষমতা; অনুশাসন; সেনাপতিত্ব; আধিপত্য; নিদেশ; অনুজ্ঞা; আজ্ঞাপন; সৈনাপত্য; অধিনায়কত্ব; অনুমতি; অধিকার;
Related Words
candies  comatose  come and go  comedies  commands  commends  commits  commodes  commodious  commodities  communities  commutes  conducts  conduits  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Conceal from(লুকানো) Do not conceal anything from me.
Object to (প্রতিবাদ করা): Many people objected to the remarks of the leader.
Refer to (সিদ্ধান্তের জন্য প্রেরণ করা): The matter was referred to the Chairman for a decision.
Regard for (সম্মান): Good boys have great regard for their teachers.
Rid of (মুক্তি দেওয়া): He will get rid of troubles soon.
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Back and forth (to and fro-এদিক ওদিক – adv.) The mad man was walking back and forth in the doctor’s chamber.
Eat humble pie (অপমান হজম করে ক্ষমা চাওয়া): The manager had to eat humble pie before his employees.
In lieu of (পরিবর্তে): Give me this pen in lieu of that.
Riding for a fall (বেপরোয়াভাবে কাজ করা- to act recklessly): He rides for a fall in the election.
Through and through (পুঙ্খানুপুঙ্খু রুপে)- He read the poem through and through.