Comintern : সাম্যবাদী দলসমূহের আন্তর্জাতিক সংঘ
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1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Apart from(ছাড়া, ব্যতীত, দূরে): They pave apart from each other.
Appropriate to(যোগ্য): His answer is appropriate to the question.
Authority over (কর্তৃত্ব, আধিপত্য): She has no authority over his growing daughters.
Break in (কথার মাঝে কথা বলা): As she was talking, he suddenly broke in, saying, ‘that’s a rat!’
Desist from (বিরত থাকা): She desisted from making this.
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Art and part (অভিসন্ধি ও সম্পাদন) We have no art and part in his affairs.
Gain Ground (সুবিধা পাওয়া): The wise are said to gain the ground in the long run.
Head and ears (সম্পূর্ণরূপে): He is over head and ears in debt.
Pack up a quarrel (ঝগড়া মিটানো)— He packed up their quarrel.
Up and doing (উদ্যোগী): Be up and doing and then you will succeed in your life.