Claymore : তরবারবিশেষ;
Related Words
c lamoured  cl amour  clamor  clamored  clamoring  clamorous  clamorously  clamour  clamoured  clamouring  clamours  claymore  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Attest to(প্রত্যয়ন করা): I like to attest to your ability.
Consist in (কোনো কিছু মধ্য বিদ্যমান থাকা): Happiness consists in contentment.
Indulge in (আসক্ত): You should not indulge in social media.
Rebel against (বিদ্রোহ করা): The soldiers rebelled against the king.
Render into (অনুবাদ করা): Render the passage into Bengap.
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At random (indiscriminately—এলোপাথাড়ি-adv.) He talks at random like a mad man.
Out of order (বিকল): The elevator was out of order.
Scapegoat (উদোর পিন্ডি বুধোর ঘাড়ে)—He was made scapegoat of the incident.
Turn a deaf ear to (pay no attention, প্রত্যাখান করা) —He turned a deaf ear to my proposal.
With might and main (যথা শক্তি দিয়ে) —He tried with might and main to help me.