Cinchona : সিনকোণা বৃক্ষ, যাহা হইতে কুইনাইন তৈরি হয়
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chinchin  cinchona  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Breakdown of (বিস্তারিত): Here is statistical breakdown of data.
Convict of(দোষী সাব্যস্ত হওয়া): The accused person was convicted of the murder.
Derive from (উৎসারিত হওয়া): The one has been derived from the poem.
Famous for (বিখ্যাত): Smith is famous for his wisdom.
Fit for (যোগ্য): Sabina is not yet fit for marriage.
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ABC - (প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান): I don't know the ABC of politics.
At the top of (শীর্ষে): The boy shouted at the top of his voice.
In one’s teens (তের থেকে উনিশ বছর বয়সের মাঝে): She is yet in her teens.
Out of temper (ক্রুদ্ধ): The teacher is out temper to see the overall results.
Slip of the pen (লেখায় অসতর্কতাবশত সামান্য ভুল): The mistake is due to a slip of the pen.