Boons : বর; আশীর্বাদ; প্রার্থনা; অনুগ্রহ; অনুরোধ;
Related Words
baboons  bans  bemoans  bobbins  bones  bonsai  bonus  booing  booming  booms  boons  bounces  buffoons  buns  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Annoyed at(ব্যক্তি ছাড়া অন্যকিছুর প্রতি বিরক্ত): They were annoyed at his rough behavior.
Argue over (কোন বিষয়ে তর্ক করা): The kids are arguing over which TV program to watch.
Creep up (বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া): The prices of are creeping up day by day.
Effect of (প্রভাব): The effect of corruption is very harmful for our society.
Greed for (লোভ): He has an indomitable greed for wealth.
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After all - (সব কথার পরেও): I rang and told her I couldn't come after all.
Give in (বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা): We will never give in to our enemies.
Hush money (ঘুষ): He offered a hush money to disclose the file.
Short temper (রগচটা)— He is a man of short temper.
To the backbone (হাড়ে হাড়ে): I know this boy to the backbone.