Bitterness : তিক্ততা
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battering  bitterness  bitterns  buttering  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Consent to(মত দেওয়া): My father did not consent to the proposal of my sister’s marriage.
Creep up (বৃদ্ধি পাওয়া): The prices of are creeping up day by day.
Hope for (আশা করা): Let us hope for the best.
Inquire of, about, into, after (অনুসন্ধান করা): Roma inquired of me about my father’s health. The pope will inquire into the cause of fire. Mehjabin inquired after her friends.
Refrain from (বিরত রাখা বা থাকা): I refrained him from smoking.
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At a discount (অনাদৃত) Female education is no longer at a discount now.
In lieu of (পরিবর্তে): Give me this pen in lieu of that.
Read between the lines (understand the significance, অন্তনিহিত অর্থ বুঝা) Try to read between the lines of the letter.
Safe and sound (নিরাপদে)— He reached home safe and sound.
Turn down (refuse, প্রত্যাখান করা) —He turned down my proposal.