Basket : চুপড়ি ; ঝুড়ি ; সাজি
Related Words
backed  backed out  backout  baked  based  basest  bashed  basket  bast  baste  basted  beaked  beast  beset  biased  biassed  bisect  boast  boasted  bosket  bucket  busiest  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Abound in(প্রাচুর্যপূর্ণ হওয়া): Fish abounds in the pond.
Adjacent to (সন্নিহিত): His house was adjacent to the bridge.
Admit of(স্থান করা, সুযোগপ্রাপ্ত হওয়া): His offence admits of no explanation.
Comply with(মেনে নেওয়া): The clerks must comply with the orders of their officer.
Indifferent to (উদাসীন): Everybody is indifferent to my problem.
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In a fix (মুশকিলে পতিত হওয়া): The man is in a fix with his new hairstyle.
Make both ends meet (আয় ব্যয় মেলানো): I cannot make both ends meet with my small income.
Slow coach (অলস): You cannot expect much from a slow coach.
Through thick and thin (through all difficulties, সমস্ত সমস্যার মধ্যে)-Ruma followed her husband through thick and thin.
Without fail (অবশ্যই) - You must attend the meeting without fail.