Attitudinal : ব্যক্তিগত দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি-সম্পর্কিত;
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attitudinal  autumnal  See Words Also In
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Appropriate Prepositions
Anxious about (কোনো কিছুর ব্যাপারে চিন্তিত বা উদ্বিগ্ন): Karim is anxious about his father’s death. Karim is anxious for getting a job.
Apologize to (ক্ষমা প্রার্থনা করা, দুঃখসহ ত্রুটি স্বীকার করা): The student apologized to the Principal for adopting unfair means in the examination.
Bare of(অনাবৃত, স্বল্প-সজ্জা): The trees of the forest are bare of leaves.
Consolidate for (শক্তিশালী করা): The four new companies consolidated for greater efficiency.
Make from (কোনো উপকরণ দ্বারা সরাসরি তৈরী নয় বোঝাতে): Paper is made from bamboo.
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Bring to book (reproach-Start- ভর্ৎসনা করা) The father brought his son to book for his failure in the exam.
Dead against (তীব্র বিরোধী - strongly opposed to): I am dead against corruption.
In one’s teens (তের থেকে উনিশ বছর বয়সের মাঝে): She is yet in her teens.
Three score (ষাট): He is happy as his brother got three score.
Ups and downs (উত্থান পতন)- There is ups and downs in a man's life.